While there are numerous uses for manuka honey, including medical grade manuka honey used to treat wounds and burns, manuka honey is wildly beneficial as a cellulite and acne treatment. Read more.
Reduce Cellulite and Treat Acne with Manuka Honey
As a personal trainer, I've had the opportunity to teach some pretty unique fitness classes, including Power Plate. I wrote this blog to tell people about the specific benefits of Power Plate training.
Stay Healthy and Fit with Power Plate
Wondering if eye lotion is a necessary part of your skincare routine? The answer is yes and I'll tell you why in this blog post for Buttercup Skincare Cosmetics' shop blog.
Why You Should Add Eye Lotion to Your Skincare Routine
Power Plate training is a perfect fitness pairing for weight loss and an effective way to keep it off. In this post, I explain why 25 minutes of Power Plate can make a big difference.